ITALCAM recently had the opportunity to participate in the Training and Cooperation Activity (TCA) “Green Erasmus: pathways to sustainable projects and institutions,” held from 14th to 16th June 2023 in Munich. This incredible event was organized by the German National Agency at Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB). ➡ The TCA focused on fostering partnerships for cooperation in
Dear Beer Lovers and project TAPROOM fans, we are glad to announce that the project TAPROOM was presented on the national TV channel – Television Malta (TVM) by our project coordinator Malta Business Bureau – MBB, Mr. Michele Agius. INTRAPRIZA Episode 1 of 2 on the TAPROOM Project is available following the link below. Subtitles
➡️ Yesterday in the framework of the TAPROM project, 16 people, among them brewers and beer amateurs, had the opportunity to enjoy a beer and cheese tasting experience in the warm and welcoming atmosphere of the Bierothek Group München. ➡️ After introducing the goals, results and background of the project, the beer master of the Bierothek, Alex
8 Februar 2023 Im Rahmen des europäischen Projekt TAPROOM: Training in the Production and Marketing of Organic and Craft Beer laden wir Sie herzlich zu einem Networking-Event ein, das am 8. Februar 2023 um 19:00 Uhr in der Bierothek, Reichenbachstraße 22, 80469 München stattfindet und dem Ideenaustausch und persönlichen Networking mit Kolleg*innen aus der Brauereibranche dient. Ziel des Projekts ist der Debatte
Dear Beer lovers, the AVA Creations Foundation Team starts 2023 year with this open to wider public TAPROOM event invitation! In close collaboration with the Beer brand “Stara Sofia” by Bira Bulgaria company, we are glad to organise the TAPROOM project final event and you are all invited!
The results of the TAPROOM project were presented at ITALCAM event on 8th February in Germany where all participants had a professional beer and cheese tasting by the master brewer of the Bierothek in a friendly atmosphere. The networking event offered players in the brewing industry the opportunity to exchange views on the future of organic
January 2021 – The Malta Business Bureau, in collaboration with four other partner organisations based in Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany and Italy, have recently launched TAPROOM, a project co-funded by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme. TAPROOM’s ultimate aim is to develop a multidisciplinary, interactive & comprehensive training programme in the production and marketing of organic and craft beer.
June 2021 – Over the last months, the Malta Business Bureau, in collaboration with four other partner organisations based in Belgium, Bulgaria, Germany and Italy, have worked on the formulation of a ‘Learning Model’. This Model will serve as a foundation for the set of Training Tools that will be developed by TAPROOM, a project co-funded
Le projet européen TAPROOM, financé sur des fonds du programme Erasmus +, vise à proposer une méthodologie innovante de formation professionnelle pour accompagner le développement de la bière biologique et artisanale en Europe, intégrant tous les aspects du développement de la production biologique dans un cursus commun : agriculture techniques, méthodes de production, marketing, communication,
All’inizio del 2021, AVA Creations Foundation si unirà a una partnership internazionale per implementare con successo il progetto TAPROOM approvato dalla CE nell’ambito del programma Erasmus+! TAPROOM mira a sviluppare un corso di formazione b-learning multidisciplinare, interattivo e completo nella produzione e commercializzazione della produzione di birra biologica e artigianale. Cerca di promuovere la birra